Lost In Translation: The Search for the Original Truth

tumblr_m4c0jf2oiv1r8pxcho1_500I don’t think we are getting it wrong. However, I do think by the time it was meant for us to hear the message through the grapevine, someone had distorted it. The change of one word or the entire deposit of wisdom could have escaped our grasps on purpose or accidentally, but we have no remaining fingers to point at anyone, we’ve done enough of that already. I am surprised our hands have not been dismembered from our body, because of the countless amounts of joy we’ve stolen from so many by not keeping our hands and fingers to ourselves. What we know for sure is that we are being misled, and it has been going on for so long we can’t decipher truth from lies anymore. George Orwell once stated, “In a time of universal deceit, the truth is a revolutionary act.” And no one is trying to appear crazy these days doing something different. I wonder if we truly want that difference we seek?

The mirage image of a deep, non-escaping valley echoes our outcries of “just being human”. Self-induced fear has gripped us securely in a cage of complacency, not really wanting to know the original message of truth and how the hell we actually stop hearing/seeing things that are not really there. Many of the wounds we dress everyday are from being self-injurious. We’ve become okay with our iniquity laced flaws, pleading innocent to the treason of our own heart, when we can repent and turn from our wicked ways thus our land (heart) will be healed.  But we rather forsake the truth of love for something we have yet to understand, but accept. We now crave and convince ourselves about a satisfaction that actually leaves us malnourished. We’re starting to resemble the behaviors of dogs and vastly approaching that of pigs. Being human is not an excuse for deathlike existence. In us we house the most powerful force that can move us to a realm of living no other creature can fathom.

If we look around we can see the obvious, it is no longer hidden, but we insist on covering our eyes to the fact communion-cupthe pure lucidness of love is no longer. Filled with the deepest and darkest deception, a faux communion is taking place, passing around a cup full of emotional toxins that we have sipped from.  Becoming greatly affected by the poison we foolishly believe is the passion and the know-it-all that will deliver us from our pain, we kill and let thyself be killed without resistance.

Where is the love that can hold us up in times of the greatest despair? Where is the love that does not destroy? Where is the love that begets more love? We are so far gone from the original meaning of love we now have the balls to pray against love if it doesn’t agree with us. We are so caught up in selfishness and wanting what we want when we want it with no intentions of doing anything with it, we prey on those who are seeking the original meaning of love. How dare you?! Where is the love that is not selfish? The fight to love divinely is the greatest war we are engaged in today. It is so toxic that battles are being lost within our homes. It’s become the greatest struggle to love someone outside of our own comfort zones.
22853319-256-k979482We have placed the most authentic, least poisoned people in emotional cages and time capsules hoping they never realize the freedom of love while we lasciviously indulge in our own pleasures. Hoping the day we grow tired of being deceived and deceptive, now desiring the truth, they will still be caged (soul tie) and ready for our use. That is not love, that is bondage and witchcraft. If you truly love someone, when you first have the opportunity to love, you will. But what was meant for bad can always turn for good and the truth shall set anyone free that seeks it.

Once free if we are not careful, we will find ourselves on an emotional war path unknowingly. In complete desperation for someone to love, understand and accept us, unlike those who tried to keep us in bondage, without the purpose of truth we can become violent and belligerent when what we seek is asked of us. We are cell shocked from being devalued. Not knowing the truth about ourselves and the original message of love has placed us on a conquer and survive mission, when we have been dispatched to sacrifice and endow. We don’t trust people with our heart anymore, and rightfully so. However, when you know the original truth, you gain the ability to recognize truth in others. In addition to not trusting anyone with our heart, we have placed ourselves on a throne that is erected on the corpses of all those who didn’t survive the tyranny in which we use to “protect” ourselves. In actuality we just want someone to see us worth the fight to resurrect the undeniable desire to have live and love again. Being in captivity for so long can really take a toil on us, but you have the right to live.

The other day someone asked me why does it appear everyone thinks they are the “exception to the rule”? Why
is it everyone feels they have the right over anyone else? My answer is, we have given ourselves too much credit of knowing so much about others than we know about ourselves. We have given ourselves the authority to place people, how they love and live in a box we dare not put ourselves in. We are too far away from the original truth. We don’t have to sip from the cup of murky love anymore, it is within us and mutating without a cure.

On my personal search, I believe I stumbled upon a serum that may help revive our hearts and give us enough strength to continuously seek the original message.

Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in truth; bears all things, believe all things, hopes all things, endure all things. Love never fails. 1 Corinthians 13:4-8

With all you have, please, I beg, love from a pure place. A place with no ill intentions. A place that can house the11085120_1597529950492059_953611859_n deeply wounded and broken without causing any more injury. A place someone can call home. A place where someone can find the original truth and beget more love.

If you are not truly ready to love someone, allow them to be loved by someone else. And IF and when they do find true love, allow them to be free. That’s what you do when you are at least truthful with yourself.

With love,

ParKer Bryant


  1. I can appreciate a person who can think and feel outside of Pandora’s Box, with this explanation of what truth and Love is really about. I Totally agree with all facets. I hope everyone can see it for what it really Is and not just be selfish with there perception. Thank you for the Translation….

    • Thank you so much for reading! It is so unfortunate that we have loved so long without knowing what love really means. However, as we continue to dig for the truth in various aspects of our lives, we must not forget to learn how to love again… the right way.

      Again, I appreciate your comment!


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